Thursday, September 27, 2007

America, Your not eating enough.

A very audacious claim, no? Considering we are the largest nation in the world what possible reasoning could I have for saying this. How many people reading this eat breakfast every morning? A study done by the National Weight Control Registry found that 80% of people who eat breakfast daily are able to keep their weight controlled for a year and beyond. Many were able to lose 30 pounds over the course of that year.

So why is breakfast so instrumental in weight control? It has to do with early activation of your metabolism. If you eat a large breakfast early in the day it will give your body the most amount of time to burn it off, while providing a greater amount of energy and concentration to your activites. Next the need for snacking throughout the day will be decreased. We tend to have our largest meal prior to doing the least activity, in the evening. The final reason is breakfast supports a healthier lifestyle and mindset. If fitness and health is not in your top three priorities then nothing will be accomplished.

The things included in such a breakfast are nothing out of the ordinary, eggs and ham or perhaps cereal and some fruit. Stay away from things like donuts and fast food, which should go without saying. Eat a healthy breakfast and it will reward you everyday. I look forward to hearing your comments.


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